Entries by admin

YATE Conferencing Server – too easy!

I just finished getting YATE up and running as a conference server. Despite the lean documentation, I was impressed by how little I had to do to get it working. I would expect that implementing more powerful features such as admin control and scheduling is going to require a bit more work, but it was […]

ClueCon is done for another year

I just got home from ClueCon 2008 last night. It’s the second time for me to be at that conference, and I was just as pleased as I was the first time. This is the conference where all the best brains in open source telecom go, so if you want to meet as many of […]

Asterisk, Freeswitch, YATE, sipXecs . . . what to choose?

It seems that recently a lot of open source projects have emerged with excellent pedigree. In a nutshell, Mighty Asterisk has got some competition. FreeSwitch has recently released their first non-beta version (which is already 1.0.1), and their community is exploding. FreeSwitch has performance capabilities that are very impressive, and if you are a developer […]

Freeswitch and Lua: this is getting interesting

As someone who only knows one programming language (REXX), I was always paralyzed by trying to figure out what one to learn next. Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python; I’ve tried them all, and while I basically get what’s going on, I find that the time required to actually do anything useful is simply more than I’m […]

Mike Jerris of FreeSwitch project speaking at TAUG

In the Toronto Asterisk Users Group, we have always felt that our area of interest is really anything that has to do with Open Source Telecom. In this spirit, we invited Mike Jerris of the FreeSwitch project to speak to us about this new technology. I am looking forward to it.

“We didn’t have GigaBytes when I was a kid”

My daughter was horrified to hear that when I was a kid, we didn’t even know what a gigabyte was. “What did you used to do all day?” “Well, we didn’t know any better, so we didn’t know what we were missing” The look of pity she gave me was heartbreaking.

ClueCon is coming up

I am looking forward to ClueCon in a few weeks. They always have a good mix of smart people there, and they’re not afraid to take of the gloves and say what they’re really thinking. If you are into open source telecom development, you need to be at ClueCon.

FreeSwitch is gaining traction

I’ve been keeping a half an eye on the FreeSwitch project since it started, and a big change I have noticed in the last few weeks is that activity on the mailing list has really begun to heat up. It should be interesting to see what sorts of things people are doing with this new […]