Enhanced 911 Service

ClearlyCore provides you an Enhanced 911 service

When you place an emergency call your caller ID information is transmitted to the E911 operator. Using that information they access your address information, and ensure your call is connected to the correct PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point). If for some reason you are unable to communicate, the operator will automatically send emergency responders to your address of record.

ClearlyCore maintains dedicated trunks circuits to our Northern911, backed up by PSTN overflow routes. This ensures that E911 service will work even in a carrier failure situation.

ClearlyCore Hosted Service

ClearlyCore has partnered with Northern911 to provide you with this enhanced level of emergency service on all of our hosted plans.

ClearlyCore Provided Trunking

Customers who have trunking provided by ClearlyCore are also protected by our Enhanced 911 service.
Third Party Trunking (not provided by ClearlyCore)
If your trunks are not provided by ClearlyCore, you can still benefit from E911 service from Northern911. In this situation, you can contact Northern911 to establish a service directly from them, and contact us to provision the trunks.

You can of course also ensure that the carrier providing your external trunks is providing emergency dialing to you. We will work with your carrier to ensure this is functioning, however we cannot be responsible for untested services provided by an external service provider.

Initial Implementation

During the initial implementation of your system or service, ClearlyCore will identify to you what emergency services are available to you. The following considerations apply:
The service depends on your onsite equipment being operational.
We will provide your current address information to the emergency operator, which will be used until such time as you update that information.


Testing 911 dialing from your location is recommended at some point during the installation process. This needs to be coordinated with the emergency service provider in your area prior to making any test calls. Contact us for more details.

Power or Internet Outages

Since your telephone service runs over an internet circuit, no phone calls will be possible if that circuit is out of service. This also affects emergency calls. Please ensure your onsite equipment is protected by an appropriate level of battery backup.

Customer Responsibility

Ensure your address is up to date

We will work with you to identify the correct address at the time of installation, however you are responsible for ensuring that addressing information is up to date

Nomadic Service

If you require, we can provide you with an interface which allows you to modify your physical address. This is useful if you operate from more than one location, and wish to ensure that E911 response will have your correct and current location.