Canada Bearings Customized Call Center

For over 60 years, Canadian Bearings has been the customer-focused industrial supplier of choice for many of Canada’s manufacturers. CB offers a comprehensive line of products, with multiple branch offices serving communities across Canada.

CB is deeply connected to the communities it serves, and as such provides dedicated account and customer service representatives in each office. Part of the value CB offers its customers is that personal touch, where the customer knows their rep personally, and knows that the rep has a solid knowledge of their community. CB faced challenges in situations where a rep might not be available, but an equally qualified rep might be able to provide the same level of service. However, the one thing CB did not want was to have callers end up in some centralized call center with no local knowledge.

Proposed Solution
The solution ClearlyCore delivered deployed a connection between the phone system and the client database of CB, where each call would recieve a list of preferred and secondary agents for that customer, with an overflow to a more central group of agents. This solution ensures that if the personal agent for a customer is available, the call will be presented to them, but if that agent is unavailable, the call will first be presented to somebody else within the branch office, and then to agents at nearby branch offices (for example, a customer based out of Lindsay might end up with a rep in Peterborough, but not Mississauga). This solution allowed CB to continue to provide personalized services to their valued client base, while at the same time take advantage of complext, intelligent overflow logic and reporting. They now have the best of both worlds: a personalized experience for their customers, and a call center platform that allows enterprise-wide reporting and centralized management.

We worked together with Canadian Bearings supplying our ClearNote software onto their preferred hardware to build out a robust and flexible Contact Center Solution. Once the solution was developed and tested the branches were migrated over one by one to the new platform.

ClearlyCore and Canadian Bearings are working hand in hand to continue to add value to their platform and integrate 3rd party applications.